11 October 2011

Pakatan to discuss merger with Hindraf and HRP

DAP national chairman Karpal Singh will hold discussions with Pakatan Rakyat top officials on merging with Hindraf and the Human Rights Party (HRP) alliance for the general election.
He said Hindraf and HRP had recently extended the olive branch to Pakatan and wanted to forge working ties with it.

He said as a responsible and progressive political entity, Pakatan would give fair consideration to the proposal. He did not rule out an electoral tie-up with Hindraf and HRP if it benefited Pakatan.

Karpal acknowledged that Hindraf was the most influential factor that convinced Indian voters to shift their traditional allegiance to Barisan Nasional in the 2008 general election. He said that the Indian swing had contributed to Pakatan's massive electoral gains at the expense of Barisan.

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